
Hi there, in this page you'll find a list of projects i've worked on over the years while progressing as a software Engineering organisation. Through these projects have required serious dedication and a very delicate process to achieve. These projects are usually Designs, Mobile & Web Applications, Arduino related Projects, Some Internet of Things related Projects, Web 3 (Smartcontracts) Projects and lot's more. Hopefully you'll find these projects interesting. Feel to free to reach out if interested in future collaborations.

1. Gumonda

Website for Startup Platform -Gumonda

Gumonda is a website for a startup Company. Built this site on nextjs, react,typescript and tailwind css. Through this project i have strengthened my Frontend and backend skills.

See code on Github

product imgGumonda. - Visit..
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2. Streemhub

A team management platform

The idea bringing about streemhub, is a platform that enables real-time management,auditing / modification between members of a particular team, aiming to solve a particular problem E.g Developers in a team working on a particular project could modify each others code real-time. senior developers could access the code written by junior developers in real-time and make changes where due.
In this project i was part of a team of developers.

See code on Github

product imgStreemhub. - Visit...
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3. CryptoWall

"Crypto Wallet App"

CryptoWall is simple a wallet for decentralised currencies "crypto". Cryptowall is built to showcase mobile development and web 3 skills and to further understand the technolgy even better. This app was built with ReactNative and Nodejs.

See code on Github

product imgCryptoWall - RuyaTech, - Coming soon...
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4. Agrohub

"Agro-based market place"

Agrohub is a platform for buying and selling of high-end goods across the country. Customers can request for products in bulk and agrohub then stands as the middle man between the customers and the producers. Built with flutter and Python.

See code on Github

product imgAgrohub- RuyaTech, - Coming soon...
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4. AutoHub

"Automobile_based Market place"

AutoHub is a platform for buying and selling of Automobiles across the country. Customers can request for products in bulk and agrohub then stands as the middle man between the customers and the producers. Built with flutter and Python.

See code on Github

Agrohub- RuyaTech, - Coming soon...